25/04/2024 L ‘Université française de la Sorbonne a lancé le Programme dit IPI Initiative Physique des Infinis

Derrière ce nom quelque peu incompréhensible se cachent deux programmes de recherche destinés à rassembler chercheurs, enseignants et étudiants travaillant dans le cadre de la Cité de l’innovation de l’Université de la Sorbonne.

Il s’agit de la Physique des Plasmas et de la Physique de l’Univers. Les thèmes intéressés sont la Physique des hautes énergies, la cosmologie, la physique des particules , la fusion nucléaire, les plasmas naturels, les plasmas dits out of equilibrium et de nombreux autres. L’ambition de l’IPI est d’alimenter ces thèmes par des projets de recherche correspondants ou des projets transversaux.

Au cœur de l’IPI se trouvent les neuf laboratoires de physique de renommée internationale ci-dessous

LPNHE (website) LPP (website) IAP (website) LPTHE (website) LULI (website) LPENS (website) LESIA (website) LERMA (website) INSP (website)


Message aux lecteurs

  1. Welcome to IPI Letters, a leading open access journal dedicated to advancing the field of information science. As a reader of our journal, you have access to a wealth of cutting-edge research and discoveries in various areas of information science, spanning from digital information to quantum information, information physics, information theory, information in biological systems, information data storage, and information entropy.

As an open access journal, all our articles are freely available to you, ensuring that you can delve into the latest advancements and breakthroughs without any barriers. We believe in the power of open science, enabling global access to knowledge and fostering collaboration among researchers worldwide.

When you explore IPI Letters, you will discover a diverse range of articles that tackle complex and thought-provoking topics related to information science. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures that the published research maintains the highest standards of quality and accuracy, providing you with reliable and trustworthy information.

The IPI Letters website offers a user-friendly interface designed to enhance your reading experience. You can easily navigate through different sections, explore articles, and access supplementary materials. We encourage you to explore our archive and stay updated with the latest developments in the field.

At IPI Letters, we embrace the interdisciplinary nature of information science. Our articles often bridge multiple disciplines, fostering connections and promoting the exchange of ideas across diverse fields. We strive to bring together researchers from various backgrounds to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of information and its applications.

We value your feedback and engagement. Your insights and perspectives are crucial in shaping the future of information science. We encourage you to share your thoughts, engage in discussions, and contribute to the ongoing scientific discourse. Together, we can advance the frontiers of knowledge and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Thank you for being a part of the IPI Letters community. We are excited to have you on board as we explore the fascinating realm of information science and its multifaceted implications. Happy reading!

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